Nombre: Jenn
Ubicación: Las Matas de Farfan, Dominican Republic

In May 2005, I graduated from Carroll College with a B.A. in History and a minor in Anthropology. As useful as my majors are, I'm working in Agriculture with the Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic!

15 enero 2006

A Month To Go

Well, I leave in a month. I haven't started an official packing list, just a modified version of what was in my Welcome Book. I haven't gotten the paperwork filled out for my student loans. I don't have any clue what day or time I might be leaving. But I do know that I'm incredibly excited for what lies ahead of me.

I'm now in Idaho. I don't have a job anymore. I figured that once I leave, it'll be the six weeks I was able to spend with my family and friends that will be more memorable than the six weeks I could have spent working. My co-workers threw a fabulous party for me. I am definately going to miss those guys. I met with a RPCV from Namibia who shared his pictures with me a couple nights before I left, which made me REALLY excited to leave. Spent Christmas with my mom and brothers, then it was off to Las Vegas for two and a half weeks of Dad and step-family.

Vegas is definately an interesting place. Unfortunately, I didn't get to spend as much time going out and meeting people as I thought I would. I did, however, spend a lot of time with my two sisters (23 and 4). My four-year-old sister had a hard time grasping that she probably wouldn't see me until she was six. My 23-year-old, on the other hand, is already planning her vacation to the DR. In the end though, after that much time with my family, what hit me the most was when my dad said to me, "Well, we'll see ya in a couple of years."

So, now I've said good-byes to half of my family. The other half will put me on the plane next month. Friends may not even get good-byes, only on the off chance that I run into them. I'm anxious to see what my life has in store for me. But in Vegas I did learn that if you are doing the same thing, hanging out with the same people day in and day out, it's time for some change. Saying good-bye is a tell tale sign that you are moving on and moving up in the world. You are making the choices that will help you to grow and learn even more about life.