Nombre: Jenn
Ubicación: Las Matas de Farfan, Dominican Republic

In May 2005, I graduated from Carroll College with a B.A. in History and a minor in Anthropology. As useful as my majors are, I'm working in Agriculture with the Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic!

17 octubre 2005

Agroforestry, Spanish, and Me

I've been going through my welcome book and been searching for every inkling of information regarding my assignment. I'm an Agroforestry volunteer, and although I don't have any experience in it, the Peace Corps seems to think that I will be a good volunteer. So, here's a quick paragraph about what I will be doing straight out of the Welcome Book:

"This project aims to reverse the process of soil erosion and environmental degradation. Volunteers work with low-income rural farmers in four areas of the Dominican Republic, participating in reforestation activities and introducing appropriate agroforestry and soil conservation techniques. Agroforestry Volunteers also help Dominican organizations improve their capabilities to train small farmers in appropriate soil conservation and agroforestry practices, including seedling and fruit tree production, multiple-use tree plots, live and dead barriers, contour planting, and alley cropping."

I'm looking forward to what ever I may be learning; I get to work outside, hike, and get dirty, from the sounds of it. I can't wait to start Spanish classes and learn about the Dominicans. Right now I'm studying tapes. I bought "Harry Potter y la pieda filosofal." I'm hoping with a little time and dedication I can get through it before I leave. My friend Dana from work has been helping me with conversation. I'm starting to remember a lot more from my classes at Carroll. But I'm sure I'm still going to struggle A LOT when I get down to the DR.

Less than four months!!