Back in April

Back in April, I decided (upon much prompting from a recruiter) that I was going to apply for the Peace Corps. After two weeks of editing my personal statements and figuring out every job and volunteer experience I ever had, I submitted my application to become a Peace Corps volunteer. I began making plans to leave in September, moved twice, and drove my boss crazy by not having any sort answer to the question of "when are you actually leaving?" In August, however, I found out that I was not on the next flight out in September. I knew that still wouldn't have any answers about the Peace Corps for my family and friends for several months.
Then, just a few weeks after finding out I wasn't leaving in September, I recieved my invitation! I hadn't been expecting it until at least November. I was invited to the Agroforesty program in the Dominican Republic! Although initially (for the first 5 minutes) I was bummed about the country, I realized that I was in the program I wanted, and a Spanish-speaking country. Now after hours of reading other blogs, books, and websites, I don't think there is anywhere else I'd rather be. I'll be in the Caribbean for crying out loud!!
So I leave in just four months. I have lots of time to think and prepare. I began re-learning Spanish on tape. I'm sure the people I pass on street are a little surprised at me repeating "Quisiera un cuarto con bano y una regadara." But oh well, as long as I'm learning. For the next four months, I plan on eating, sleeping, and breathing Spanish and the DR. Wish me luck!
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